Professor Fred Gould was born in New York City and grew up in New York and Rhode Island. He graduated from Queens College in New York City with a BA in Biology. He received his PhD in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook. His thesis examined the genetics of spider mite adaptation to novel host plants. After a short postdoc that followed up his thesis work, he was hired by North Carolina State University as a soil insect ecologist and later had his responsibilities broadened to insect ecology and genetics. Dr. Gould’s research has examined evolutionary approaches for dealing with agricultural problems. Since 1986 he has conducted theoretical and empirical research aimed at increasing the evolutionary sustainability of transgenic insecticidal crops. He has also conducted more basic research aimed at understanding the ecological and genetic factors that shape herbivore host range, and that enable the evolution of complex traits such as sexual communication systems. Recently, Dr. Gould has begun using evolutionary theory in designing strategies for effective use of transgenic insects for control of insect-vectored human diseases
  Professor Bob Hill is Head of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences at the University of Adelaide and Head of Science at the SA Museum. He was previously a Professorial Research Fellow in the Department of Environmental Biology, and prior to 1999 was Professor and Head of the School of Plant Science at the University of Tasmania. He heads an ARC Research Network based on understanding and managing environmental change. His research interest interest is the evolution of the southern Australian vegetation in response to long term climate change during the Cenozoic.
  Dr Simon Ferrier is a Principal GIS Research Officer leading a small research and development team within the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation, based in Armidale. He has 20 years of experience in developing and applying GIS-based analysis and modelling techniques to regional biodiversity assessment and conservation planning. His work ranges from basic research and development of new analytical approaches through to direct involvement in a wide variety of regional conservation assessment and land-use planning activities throughout NSW and beyond.
  Professor Stephen Simpson did his undergraduate degree at the University of Queensland, majoring in Entomology, before undertaking his PhD on locust feeding behaviour at the University of London as a University of Queensland Travelling Scholar. He then moved to the Department of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford, where he worked as a Medical Research Council post-doc on the neural bases of feeding in monkeys, before moving to the Zoology Department at Oxford as a Departmental Lecturer in entomology, animal behaviour and neurobiology. He began a project to explore nutrient balancing in insects - a project which has continued ever since and which has resulted in a set of nutritional models that are currently being applied to other animals, including humans. In 1986 Steve was appointed University Lecturer in the Department of Zoology and Curator of Entomology in the University Museum of Natural History, University of Oxford, then in 1998 to Professor of the Hope Entomological Collections, University of Oxford. During the early 1990s he established a research programme on swarming in locusts, which continues to this day. Steve has been Guest Professor in Insect Behaviour at the University of Basel (1990), Distinguished Visiting Professor at the University of Arizona (1999), Fellow of the Institute of Advanced Study, Berlin (2002-3) and is currently an ARC Federation Fellow in the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Sydney and a Visiting Professor at the University of Oxford.
  Dr Tim Entwisle has ten years’ experience in the senior management of botanic gardens and biological collections, in Melbourne and Sydney, and was appointed Executive Director of the Botanic Gardens Trust Sydney in 2004. He is an internationally recognised plant scientist with specialist expertise in freshwater algae but a broad interest in horticulture and biodiversity. Tim has authored over 50 scientific publications, including two books, and has chaired numerous national and State committees. He was recently appointed Scientific Program Coordinator for the International Botanical Congress to be held in Melbourne in 2011. Tim is also a regular contributor to ABC Sydney radio and writes regularly for popular science magazines.

After Dinner Speaker

Tony Peacock

Tony Peacock is the Chief Executive Officer of the Pest Animal Control Cooperative Research Centre in Canberra, Australia and CEO Designate for the Invasive Animals CRC commencing 1 July 2005. These CRC’s bring together Australian and International organisations with an interest in managing the impact of pest animals on the environment and agriculture.
Prior to his current appointment Tony was the Managing Director of the Australian Pig Research and Development Corporation. He holds a BSc Agr (Hons) and PhD from the University of Sydney and had held research positions at the University of Melbourne and University of Saskatchewan. He is a fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.


The CRC’s Chief Executive, Tony Peacock, will outline the evolution of public engagement over the past decade for a large Australian project named by New Scientist magazine as one of the world’s technologies “most likely to affect your life”.  The need to consistently improve the interface of scientists, the public and end-users will be discussed.Vertebrate

Diversity in Landscape Management:  the people factor in getting technologies used.
The Pest Animal Control Cooperative Research Centre is developing genetically-engineered viruses to alter the breeding performance of mice.  After 12 years of research, the technique appears to satisfy all the technical requirements.  Satisfying public concerns about the use of a fertility-altering virus is another thing altogether.  When the research commenced, there was no GM debate, and scientists felt no obligation at all to consult the public.  As GM concerns became apparent, engagement of the public and end-users moved on to an ‘education’ point of view, involving a transfer of information from informed scientists to the less informed.  With time, the CRC has progressed to a ‘dialogue’ point of view whereby much greater effort is taken to try to understand the public’s position.


SOURCE :: Large Centepede Picture - Family Scolopendridae, Cormocephalus sp. Courtesy of Anne Hastings and Matt Colloff (CSIRO Entomology) ::
:: Small Invertebrate Pictures - Courtesy of Paul Sunnucks (La Trobe University) and Chris Lambkin (CSIRO Entomology) ::
:: Canberra Pictures - ::